What to commemorate and what not to commemorate in Victory Day of SriLanka
Even for the U.S. the traditional thresholds of Humanitarian Law provisions have enforced challengers in the face of GWT. Not only the illusive terrorists but also those who aiding and abetting terrorists are grave concerns of U.S. That is only in just in bellow . Some of our politicians, with the help of unwise clan of academics, have easily been bought out by the victors’ version of post war justice, and, have placed their faith in commemoration of terrorists in the Victory Day of Sri Lanka. That is like U.S. citizens’ are allowed to commemorate Jefferson Davis instead of Abraham Lincoln. If this is the right practice of building a proud and just nation, allowing terrorist sympathisers to lite oil lamps in commemoration of them, why would not this same practice work for the U.S., Britain and for the rest of preachers who advocate the commemoration of terrorists? That remains a sensible question to ask if you have even a little bit of brainier. The ...