
Showing posts from 2018

Politics or Law?

W hat is superior, politics of a nation or law of a nation?  Politics is the foundation of a nation. Law is there to help that just foundation intact from injustice. Power, whether it flows from a mandate of people or from a pure dictator, keeps the order. It seems this simple and primitive natural truth is missing out from the spectrum of Nagananda Kodituwakku’s project for state, which he solely based upon only just law, not on prudence.  There is one crucial issue at stake as Kodituwakku explains. Yaha Palana Government, Karu Yajasuriya to be specific, used a fake argument made by Attorney General Jayantha Jayasuriya to postpone the Provincial Elections in 2017. That Jayantha Jayasuriya did even when there is a Supreme Court determination existed against the 20 th amendment. So, now, does the power of politics allow to circumnavigate a crucial bill like that always? When the power of politics shall bend the law to its own interest. And when it could be justified?...

What is wrong with our beautiful Sri Lanka?

W hat a sad state of affairs are we living in Sri Lanka?  Nagananda Kodituwakku keep proving our judiciary is conjuring with Executive Branch in crucial constitutional issues. Most members of our legislator are a bunch of spineless. And most of our Director Generals are always waiting a call or a letter from the Secretary to Minister or Minister himself to do even the right thing. Our so called civil society members, since 1948,  like Nirmal Dewasiri or Nalin De Silva believe they have fought hard and still fighting hard to further the interests of our people and nation. However though, the Auditor General of Sri Lanka, Gamini Wijesinghe , says our island is in a deep debt crises, and it is being worsened since seventies. Now the measurable debt amount, he stipulates, is over half of million rupees per person. It is depressingly sad and make reasonable people angry. What is the long term solution? Different administration for another five years? May be give the po...